Political systems based on the distribution of rent demoralise people. Political regimes based on free competition motivate people. 建立在租金分配基础上的政治制度使人民消沉,而建立在自由竞争基础上的政治体制让人民充满动力。
The couples can enjoy half-price rent, free water and electricity as well as the many blessings of friendship. 这些情侣们可以享受半价的房租,免费的水电还有来自朋友的祝福。
You can buy a corking machine, or you can rent or borrow one from your friendly wine store-many stores lend them free of charge to their customers. 您能买一个塞住的机器,或者您能从您友好的酒店租赁或借用一-许多商店免费借他们给他们的顾客。
Our landlord gave us a discount on rent, and a free parking spot to boot! 我们的房东给我们打折,而且还有免费的停车位呢!
Chandler: I also want you to remember that I let you live here rent free! 但我希望你记得我原谅了你,我也希望你记得我让你免费在这里住!
She said we could stay there rent free until I was in the money again. 她说我们可以住在那儿,不用付房租,等我们有钱后再说。
Still others may still be barely making ends meet even during the "rent free" period. 还有些人可能仍然会勉强入不敷出,在“免租”期间均匀。
DEM Demurrage ( Quay Rent). Money paid by the shipper for the occupying port space beyond a specified "Free Time" period. 滞期费(码头租金)。超过指定“免费”期后,由托运人支付占用港口空间的费用。
I loved being a little child. I never had to worry about rent or bills. I always felt really free and happy. 我最希望能永远作个小孩。我就永远不用担心房租或是账单。孩提时代的我永远感觉自由自在而且非常的开心。
Can we rent all the movies we want for free? 我们可以免费租我们想看的片子吗?
SEP theory provides a new thought for research on how governments seek for other instruments to shift rent, i.e., how their strategic trade policy varies under the restraint of free trade. 战略性环境政策理论,为自由贸易约束下各国政府如何寻求其他政策工具转移租金、也就是战略性贸易政策如何变异,提供了新的思路。
Second, the profit-seeking behavior of the market subject in its pursuit of innovation rent is under free competition conditions and has a positive exterior effect, while its rent-seeking behavior is under incomplete competition and can only brings a negative exterior effect. 市场主体追求创新租金的寻利行为是自由竞争条件下的正和博弈,而其追逐管制租金的寻租行为则是在不完全竞争条件下的负和博弈;